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Thora Birch

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Top 5 New Blu-ray releases for the Week of September 21

I started writing this post on Monday. As you can clearly tell, it’s taken me a few days of work, chipping away at it whenever I’ve had a few moments to spare, to get this thing done. But I’m really happy to tell you all about the best new Blu-ray releases this week. There’s some really strong stuff here and a few discs you should be certain not to miss out on. As always, any Amazon purchases made through our links help to support this column and the site on the whole and we thank you for them! …Continued…

Criterion Collection to bring Zwigoff, Clowes’ Ghost World to Blu-ray in 2011?

If you read my recent review of The Criterion Collection release of Terry Zwigoff’s Crumb on Blu-ray, you’re no doubt aware of my passion for comic books. And it just so happens that one of my all-time favourite comics is Daniel Clowes’ brilliant Ghost World, adapted into a film by Zwigoff in 2001. Well, the news of the day, as far as I’m concerned is that we might just be seeing the film starring Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson on Criterion Blu sometime next year, if Zwigoff has anything to say about it. …Continued…