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Baz Luhrmann

This tag is associated with 5 posts

[VIDEO] Fox Blu-ray Demo features Alien Anthology, Sound of Music, Moulin Rouge and more!

If you’re reading The Blu-ray Blog, you most likely don’t need to be sold on the benefits of the technology. And if you follow us at all, you most likely don’t need to be sold any further on Fox‘s amazing slate of recent and upcoming releases on the format. We’ve published a crap-ton of articles on the Alien Anthology, The Sound of Music: 45th Anniversary Edition, Moulin Rouge and The Rocky Horror Picture Show Blu-ray discs. Having just received them a couple of days ago, I can personally speak to the outstanding quality of the Moulin Rouge and Rocky Horror releases on the format. I’m simply blown away by the high-standard of the transfers, extras and packaging of these discs and can easily place them amongst the finest of the year. …Continued…

Top 5 New Blu-ray releases for the Week of October 19

This is ridiculous. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen so many brilliant titles being released on Blu-ray disc on a single day! …Continued…

Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet officially announced for release on Blu-ray

We got a peek at these releases last week in the form of a couple of trailers promoting the UK releases of Baz Luhrmann‘s Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet on Blu-ray disc. Now we’ve got the official North American release details for the titles and they look absolutely grand! …Continued…

[VIDEO] William Shakespeare’s Romeo And Juliet Blu-ray Trailer

Well, geez. You can’t just go and show us the Moulin Rouge Blu-ray trailer, pimping the disc set which streets on November 1st in the UK and not show the trailer for its sibling film, Romeo and Juliet. …Continued…

[VIDEO] Moulin Rouge Blu-ray Trailer

Much like we debuted Fox’s Rocky Horror Picture Show Blu-ray set by trailer last month, before the official press release hit the news-wire, we’re very fortunate to get a glimpse at their upcoming Moulin Rouge Blu-ray via YouTube video! …Continued…

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