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Al Pacino

This tag is associated with 1 posts

The Godfather Blu-ray Disc Review

You don’t need me to review the story of The Godfather for you. Chances are, you’ve seen it and you already know that it’s Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece and arguably one of the best films ever made. The last scene of the film is one of my favourite movie endings of all time, and it still gives me chills after countless viewings. …Continued…

Heat Blu-ray Disc Review

It’s hard to believe that you can refer to any film made in the 90s as a classic. But I think the term holds a lot of water in a handful of cases. Fifteen years on, Michael Mann’s Heat has earned its place in the pantheon of masterfully made action-films. And this new Blu-ray edition of the film is one of the finest ways to celebrate it. …Continued…

Michael Mann Recuts Heat for Blu-ray Release, Full Disc details

Looks like director Michael Mann has taken the old hatchet to his popular film, Heat. We’ve just received the final list of bonus features for the upcoming Blu-ray edition of the film and it notes “New Content Changes Supervised by Director Michael Mann”. Now, what these changes might entail has yet to be revealed. What we can tell you is that the original running time of the film was 171 minutes (the original DVD release was listed at 172 minutes), whereas the Blu-ray seems to clock in at 170. Yep. That’s about it for now. Check out the art for the back of the package below: …Continued…

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